Our First Graduation

*photos removed for privacy concerns*

Tonight this little girl graduates 6th grade.

They said this would be the roughest year ever, as she mourned the loss of her mother, and transitioned to a new house, a new school, and a completely new town. Man were they wrong. This year has been one of the best years for all three of us. While their is pain and mourning, we have all three chosen to keep our heads high and honor her mother by living the fullest life that we know she would want us to live. She is ending the year with all A’s and B’s, a whole new group of friends, and exciting things in her future.

I could not be more proud of her. She is truly my light and everything I never knew I was missing from my life. As I have said in previous posts, I feel like the lucky one, because tonight not only will I feel my own pride, I will feel her mother’s too.

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