9 Years in the Making

We are all at different parts of our journey, and if you are not at a point where you are able to read of pregnancies, etc. please be kind to your heart and skip this post. I appreciate all of the support I have received through this blog but your well being is much more important…

So now…the post I didn’t know if I’d ever get to write.

After 9 years, 3 miscarriages, a ton of different kinds of treatments, and 2 rounds of donor egg IVF, we are happy to announce that we are expecting our miracle baby in January 2018!


I am 9 weeks today and yesterday we got to hear the very strong heartbeat and see our little one wiggling around. To say this has been surreal is an understatement.

A huge thank you to everyone who has followed our journey and I promise to remain sensitive in my posts and keep all of those still struggling, or trying to move on, very closely in my thoughts and prayers.

I have now made the page public at the top of the blog for all POAS pictures, betas, and ultrasound photos if you want to check it out. I have also updated our Donor Egg IVF page with details about our beta hell, spotting scares, and finally wonderful ultrasounds.

Thank you again to all of those that have sent us love and support especially this past year. Continued prayers for a healthy pregnancy and my very high anxiety are appreciated.

33 thoughts on “9 Years in the Making

    • It sounds so crazy to hear that. Even just a year ago, it was just my husband and I, spending our spare time taking motorcycle rides and hanging out with our friends. Now, in just this short amount of time our family feels complete.


  1. Oh my goodness this is amazing!!! Congratulations!!! Your blog was one of the first I started following when I started my blog (especially as we both have BTs). I’m SO HAPPY for you! XXX


  2. Aaaawwwww…….congratulations! That photo…..it sure tells a story. Brought tears to my eyes.

    Announcing pregnancy is different for many people who have struggled. I have never been able to bring myself to make cute announcements: they are always perfunctory and happen because I’m really sick or an emotional mess and it’s impossible to hide. But people are happy for you: they will probably just show it at different times in different ways, and that’s ok.


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