Why Hello there ICLW

Since there is a lot of ICLW stopping by I thought I’d make a quick post about me and the hubby.

This is “Us” in a nut shell. Never a dull moment.
Be sure to check out our “About Us” section and don’t miss the page about how we got to this AWESOME (sarcasm?) infertility part of our journey. For someone who is incredibly organized and OCD it would only be the perfect form of irony that my chromosomes aren’t in order. I talk all about it here.
Thanks so much for stopping by. We are going on over 4 years of infertility, 2 miscarriages, and we don’t feel any closer now to having a child than we did when we met. (Ironically had a pregnancy “scare” and was worried…oh if I had known what I know now) But overall I try to remain positive and try to make my blog a place where infertiles can feel safe to express their frustrations here but also make myself just as welcoming to the woman who have previously been on this journey. For what kind of person are we if the only joy we can revel in is our own.
Check out some of my favorite posts including my post about the time I finally felt like I started healing from the previous miscarriages and trying to regain my life and some of the people I might have lost along the way here, a recent favorite by myself and many readers on How to be the perfect Infertile, and you can see some of my crazy family on a recent trip to Vegas.
I am always open to answer any question anyone has about me or our infertility journey. We continue to pray that God blesses us with a child, and until then, I’ll just write about it here so our future child has something to read when they are older. Because as we have come to the reality that we may not get a child of our own DNA, or through “normal” methods, we believe God has given us a great gift to be parents (as we have gotten the chance to practice with 3 nieces) and we know that He will make us parents one day.
Thanks for stopping by! And for you Facebook fanatics feel free to stop by and check out my Official Facebook page for my blog 🙂

10 thoughts on “Why Hello there ICLW

  1. Thank you so much for stopping by my blog!

    Many hugs. Looking through your ttc journey, you have gone through so much. I just want to shake my fist at the universe for being so cruel! Sigh. I do hope that your day to become parents comes very soon.



  2. We “practiced” with our 2 nieces for several years before we became parents. It's fun practice, though I know we had moments where it was very bittersweet. Thanks for the visit to my blog and happy ICLW (#6) 🙂


  3. Hi Lavonne! Happy ICLW. You and your hubby are ADORABLE. I'm about to snoop around on your blog some more…love it! I believe that God will give you the perfect baby in His perfect {though, at times, hard to understand} timing. Hang in there, sweetie! xoxo


  4. Hello. I've been reading your history and it sounds incredibly difficult, I can't imagine going into every pregnancy knowing there's a thirty percent chance it could end, but at the same time there's something very positive and hopeful in the way you write and I have to say I really love that.


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